
About Hypnotherapy Clinic

What is hypnotherapy ?

It is psychological therapy used by qualified trained clinical psychologist to treat different psychological and psychosomatic disorders; where conscious mind is taken into artificial sleep known as trance dental stage and a rapport is established with sub conscious mind to make desired positive changes. (This is a totally drug less procedure)

Psychological Disorders –

Tension, Fear, Phobia, Depression, Mania, Anxiety, Schizophrenia, Obsessive Compulsive Disorder, Suicidal Tendency, Alcohol or Drug Addiction, Insomnia, Lack of Confidence, Lack of Concentration, Memory & Educational Problems, Psychosexual Disorder, Learning Disorder etc.

Hypnotherapy also helps in

  • Irritable bowel syndrome
  • Tension headaches
  • Bedwetting
  • Labor and delivery
  • Stress related psychosomatic disorders
  • Weight loss
  • Eating disorders

Other Psychological disorders

  • Anxiety Disorders -Different anxiety problems, including panic disorder, post traumatic stress, social anxiety, agoraphobia, generalized anxiety, obsessive compulsive disorder and specific phobias.
  • Specific Phobia — The term “phobia” means “fear.” A specific phobia is an irrational fear of some specific thing or situation. The fear is “irrational” in the sense that it is all out of proportion to the actual danger presented. For example, some people are terrified when they see a spider, even though it is on a wall 20 feet away and could not possibly do the person any harm from that distance. A common phobia is agoraphobia (literally, “fear of the marketplace”), in which a person develops a fear of being amongst crowds of people.
  • Panic Disorder — This is a disorder characterized by unforewarned attacks of extreme dread, as if some terrible thing is about to befall the person, generally lasting only a couple of minutes and leaving the person physically exhausted because of the extreme activation of the physiological mechanisms aroused by terror. These attacks do not appear to be caused by any particular situation or thing, but if they occur several times within a given context, the person may develop agoraphobia as a secondary effect.
  • Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder (OCD)– The name comes from two related symptoms: obsessions and compulsions. Obsessions are thoughts, usually of a distressing nature, that constantly intrude into awareness, over and over again. Compulsions are ritualistic behaviors the person feels to perform over and over again, because not to perform them means experiencing rapidly increasing levels of anxiety. Certain drugs and behavior modification techniques have been used to treat the disorder.
  • Generalized Anxiety Disorder — This gets its name from the theoretical notion that what started as specific phobias has spread though generalization to almost all situations. The person suffering from this disorder experiences continuous, high levels of “free-floating” anxiety that does not seem to have been triggered by any specific thing or situation. The symptoms of anxiety are often treated by prescribing minor tranquilizers as an initial step; this is followed by psychological therapy aimed and uncovering and eliminating the source of the anxiety.
  • Hypochondriasis — You are probably more familiar with the label for the person: “hypochondriac.” This is someone who is perpetually convinced that he or she has some dread disease which, if not treated promptly, is going to lead to their demise. If their own diagnosis is not confirmed by the doctor, hypochontriacs are likely to ask for a second opinion or to decide that, well, if it’s not THIS, then surely it must be THAT. The disorder may be maintained by a strong fear of death, although being the center of attention and concern of physicians, friends, and others can provide its own source of motivation.
  • Conversion Disorder (old name: Hysteria) — The old name comes from the Greek for “womb,” suggesting that it is a disorder restricted to females. For reasons unknown it is much more common in women, but men have occasionally been known to develop it. The person with this diagnosis has suffered a loss of sensory experience (sight, hearing, feelings in some part of the body) or a paralysis of some part (e.g., arms, legs), but medical examination reveals no abnormalities. Another symptom is that the person appears to be surprisingly unconcerned about developing the problem and does not wish to seek help to get it cured (indifference toward the disorder). Sigmund Freud suggested that the symptoms appear because they allow the person unconsciously to resolve a “damned if you do, damned if you don’t” conflict.
  • Childhood Disorders – Childhood psychological problems related to behavioral control problems, including ADHD, conduct disturbance, and oppositional behavior are discussed. Separation anxiety, a common problem in young children.
  • Symptoms of Schizophrenia: Schizophrenia includes a variety of symptoms, not all of which will necessarily be present at any one time.
  • Hallucinations — a hallmark of Schizophrenia. Usually, these take the form of hearing voices. These voices may be critical of the person, and in some cases may tell the person to do certain things. Visual Hallucinations are less common, but do occur in some cases.
  • Disordered Thought — Thinking is irrational and disorganized.
  • Attentional Difficulties — The person is easily distracted and has a difficult time focusing attention on one line of thought for long.
  • “Word Salad” — In severe cases, the individual may exhibit such disordered thinking that sentences are almost completely disconnected, except perhaps by a chain of loose associations. Occasionally the person uses stange words (“neologisms”) which seem to have a private meaning for the person and yet the person seems to believe that others know their meaning.
  • Delusions — false beliefs that are firmly held regardless of evidence to the contrary. Paranoid delusions involve (a) delusions of grandeur — an irrational belief that one is someone of elevated position or abilities, e.g., Christ; and (b) delusions of persecution — an irrational belief that “they” are out to get you.
  • Catatonia — the person “freezes” into a position of “waxy flexibility”: you can reposition their arms etc. as if the person were a doll, and they will hold the new position (even a very uncomfortable one) for long periods of time. The person seems to be in a trance-like state, but upon emerging from the catatonia can report what had been happening.
  • Bipolar Disorder (Manic-Depressive Disorder)
  • Bipolar Disorder gets its name from the fact that the person alternates between two “poles” along a continuum of emotion running from mania at one extreme to severe depression at the other. In most cases, the person cycles between these two extremes over a period of days, weeks, or months, with periods of apparent normality in between. During the manic phase the person exhibits agitation, an emotional high where everything seems possible, high energy with little apparent need for sleep, a flood of ideas coming one right after the other and irrationality. During the depressive phase the opposite is evident: little energy, difficulty in initiating activity, slowed thought processes, serious depression. Irrationality is again present — the person may believe that he or she has done some horrible thing for which they are being punished, for example.
  • As with schizophrenia, there is some evidence that genetics is a factor in that relatives of someone with the disorder are somewhat more likely than nonrelatives also to develop it, but the actual causes remain unknown. The disorder appears to relate to a problem in the regulation of synaptic sensitivities in a certain class of neurotransmitters; one of the effective drug treatments, lithium chloride, may act to stabilize this sensitivity and thereby stop the cycling.